silent hill reptiles

Quality colubrids & geckos


About Silent Hill

We are a husband and wife team of animal enthusiasts. A few years ago we attended a reptile convention and got our first snake and our first gecko. That, as they say, was the beginning of the end. Fast forward to present day and we keep many species as well as breeding a few. We currently offer corn snakes and gargoyle geckos. We’re hoping to soon be offering California king snakes, African house snakes, Japanese rat snakes and crested geckos.



“We can judge the heart of man by how he treats animals.”

immanuel kant  |  german philosopher


What You Can Expect

Firstly, we care deeply about all of our animals and we hope that you will, too. We are not in the business of making money from selling reptiles. We do not resell or “flip” animals to make a fast buck. Unless otherwise noted, the animals we offer were hatched and raised right here at Silent Hill Farm. We try to support the reptile hobby and herpetoculture in any way that we can. You can find us at many events around the Baltimore and York areas. With all of that being said, please drop us a line if you are interested in a quality corn snake or gargoyle gecko. We’ll try to answer any questions that you may have. Happy Herping!